Scott Frost


Scott Frost has more than 30 years of experience running profitable businesses and operations for companies in telecommunications, healthcare, insurance, education, and software development. He gained important cross-cultural experience while working and living in South America for six years

Scott is passionate about helping organizations create healthy cultures. Essential to that process is building trust across the organization. Scott believes trust helps ensure effective communication, promotes teamwork and collaboration, allows for healthy conflict, and fosters innovation, while laying the groundwork for emphasis on continuous improvement. Organizations with a healthy culture, he says, are more effective, more efficient, and typically meet their goals and expectations.

Scott loves the Clear Harbor leaders and employees he gets to work with each day. Clear Harbor has been truly blessed with special people who do their best to help and serve one another along with the clients we work with. His desire is always to focus on our associates by being relational, developing our teams, and doing everything with a high degree of excellence as we strive to reflect the client brand.

Scott tries to lead by example. He is a strong believer in servant leadership and has worked to help this mindset catch fire at Clear Harbor. Helping, coaching, developing, and serving the needs of our associates, he believes, ultimately results in better service for customers we support.

Regarding the future of service, Scott believes society will continue to have a “fast food” expectation in getting what they want, exactly when they want it. This means Clear Harbor must continue to recruit and develop proactive, empathetic agents who can provide the high-touch service customers are used to receiving for important issues and information requests.

Scott’s wife and children are extremely important to him and he’s a huge soccer and college football fan.

Scott Frost


Scott Frost has more than 30 years of experience running profitable businesses and operations for companies in telecommunications, healthcare, insurance, education, and software development. He gained important cross-cultural experience while working and living in South America for six years

Scott is passionate about helping organizations create healthy cultures. Essential to that process is building trust across the organization. Scott believes trust helps ensure effective communication, promotes teamwork and collaboration, allows for healthy conflict, and fosters innovation, while laying the groundwork for emphasis on continuous improvement. Organizations with a healthy culture, he says, are more effective, more efficient, and typically meet their goals and expectations.

Scott loves the Clear Harbor leaders and employees he gets to work with each day. Clear Harbor has been truly blessed with special people who do their best to help and serve one another along with the clients we work with. His desire is always to focus on our associates by being relational, developing our teams, and doing everything with a high degree of excellence as we strive to reflect the client brand.

Scott tries to lead by example. He is a strong believer in servant leadership and has worked to help this mindset catch fire at Clear Harbor. Helping, coaching, developing, and serving the needs of our associates, he believes, ultimately results in better service for customers we support.

Regarding the future of service, Scott believes society will continue to have a “fast food” expectation in getting what they want, exactly when they want it. This means Clear Harbor must continue to recruit and develop proactive, empathetic agents who can provide the high-touch service customers are used to receiving for important issues and information requests.

Scott’s wife and children are extremely important to him and he’s a huge soccer and college football fan.